Selecting service operations to monitor

You can monitor the response time, throughput, or both for up to five operations on services exposed or invoked by a module. Use the Service Monitor widget configuration to select the operations you want to monitor and the data you want to plot.

About this task

To select service operations to monitor, perform the following steps.


  1. Open the Service Monitor widget and from its widget menu, click Edit Settings.
  2. Select the Monitored Service Operations tab. The tab lists service operations that are currently being monitored.
  3. If the operations you want to monitor are not available on the tab, add them.
    1. Click Add new operation to monitor.
    2. Select the operation or operations you want to add to the widget, and then click Add.
  4. For each selected operation, do the following.
    1. Optional: Use the Color menu to choose a line color for each operation plotted on the graphs.
    2. To monitor response times, use the Response Times menu to indicate the statistical measurement you want to plot (maximum, minimum, or mean).
    3. To monitor throughput for a selected operation, select the Throughput check box.
    4. Optional: Specify a threshold for response times, throughput, or both in the Threshold fields.
  5. Click OK to begin plotting data for the selected operations.