Transforming event data

The Script Adapter widget provides a way for you to insert logic that transforms event data. The logic is implemented with JavaScript code and the returned value of the code is the outgoing event payload. Scripts are limited to basic JavaScript and should be viewed as the body of one single function. You cannot use Dojo commands such as console.debug(); you must use the alert() statement to display information about the values in the script.

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure that there is a wire between a source widget and the Script Adapter and a wire between the Script Adapter and a target widget. The source widget broadcasts an event that the Script Adapter receives and transforms its data. The Script Adapter then sends the transformed data to the target widget.


  1. Click Edit Page.
  2. Click the widget menu icon and then select Edit Settings. The Script Adapter Edit window appears.
  3. Type the JavaScript code that you want to use to transform the event data. End the script with a Return statement.
    Tip: You may want to convert the Script Adapter widget into a debugger while you are developing the script. When it is acting as a debugger, the Script Adapter displays the source event payload so that you can see the data that the script needs to transform.
  4. Optional: Hide the Script Adapter widget so that it is not visible to the user.
  5. Click OK.