Sharing spaces

If you own a space, you can share the entire space so that other people can see the pages that are in it. You can also give people permission to edit the space.

About this task

When you share a space, you can designate users as viewers or editors directly or indirectly. When you designate users directly, you explicitly add users to the list of viewers or to the list of editors. When you designate users indirectly, you add the groups to which the users belong to the list of viewers or to the list of editors.


  1. Click Manage Spaces. The Space Manager opens.
  2. For the space you want to share, click Actions > Share. The Share window opens.
  3. Select whether you are searching for a person or a group in the search field by clicking show search scope and then selecting User Search or Group Search. To share the space with everyone, choose Group Search.
  4. Type the name or partial name into the search field and click search. If you want to share the space with everyone, type an asterisk (*) or search for the All Authenticated Users group. The Search Results field displays the user names or groups that contain the search field text anywhere in their name or ID.
  5. To assign a person or group to the viewer role, select the check box and then click Add to View. To assign a person or group to the editor role, select the check box and then click Add to Edit. The user name or group now displays in the viewers or editors list.
  6. To remove a person or group from a role, select the check box and click Remove Selected from List.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To close the Space Manager, click Done.