Comparison of field names for searching and filtering in Heritage Process Portal

The field names that you use for searching and filtering in Heritage Process Portal differ depending on whether you are on the Work page, on one of the dashboard pages, or using the JavaScript API.

Task-specific field names

You can use the following field names to search for and filter tasks in the Work page and the Team Performance dashboard pages. You can also use the field names in API search filters.
Table 1. Task-specific field names
Field name in the Work page and API search filters Field name in dashboard pages
activityname: Task
application: Process Application
atriskdate: At Risk Date
bpd: Business Process
createdate: Creation Date
duedate: Due Date
instanceid: Instance ID
instancename: Instance Name
isassignedtouser: Assigned
subject: Subject
taskid: Task ID
username: User Name
userfullname: User Full Name
teamname: Team

Instance-specific field names

You can use the following field names to search for and filter instances in API search filters and in the Process Performance dashboard pages.
Table 2. Instance-specific field names
Field name in API search filters Field name in dashboard pages
application: Process Application
bpd: Business Process
instanceatriskdate: At Risk Date
instancecreatedate: Creation Date
instanceduedate: Due Date
instanceid: Instance ID
instancename: Instance Name
instanceownerteam: Instance Owner Team