This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Work basket and business categories widgets

Work baskets provide an alternate way of assigning work to people. Work is assigned to a work basket from where it can be distributed to individuals, groups, or other work baskets. Business categories provide a mechanism for classifying work.

These widgets are grouped on pages in the Configure Work Baskets and Business Categories template.

These widgets are delivered as part of IBM® Business Process Manager and function in the same way as other widgets. You can minimize, maximize, and drag widgets while laying out a page. In addition, each widget has a menu that contains actions that you can perform on the widget. The widget menu also has a help icon, which links to information about that widget.

Attention: To use these widgets, Business Space must be configured to use the Business Process Choreographer REST services. If you are using Heritage Process Portal on an iPad, this widget is not supported.