This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Configuring distribution targets in the Work Basket Information widget

Distribution targets are other work baskets to which tasks in the current work basket can be distributed. Use the Distribution targets tab to define the available targets.

Before you begin

You must be the page owner or an editor of the page to configure this widget. In addition, you must be in the WorkBasketSystemAdministrator role.


  1. Open the widget menu and select Edit Settings to see the configuration tabs.
  2. On the Distribution targets tab, change the work baskets lists that the user sees.
    To make more lists available to the widget user, or to make available lists unavailable, click Look up. In the window that opens, you can perform the following actions:
    • Select a list to add
    • Clear a selected work basket list
  3. Configure which properties are displayed in a particular work basket.

    Select the list, then select the properties that you want the widget to display, and clear any properties that you do not want displayed. To change the order in which the information is displayed in the widget, select a property, then click one of the arrows to move the property up or down in the list.

  4. Change the number of work baskets that are shown as distribution targets to the users of this widget. The default value is 100.