Creating spaces

To contain a collection of related pages, you can create a space.

About this task

The product can be configured so that general users cannot create spaces. If this is the case, you must log in using a superuser ID to create a space.


  1. Click Actions > Create Space. The Create Space window opens.
  2. Type the name for the new space and a description. The name cannot contain the following characters: @ / \ : * ? " < > |
    Tip: When you create a space, the title and description that you provide serve as default values in all languages. You can then switch languages and replace those default values with the appropriate translations. For example, imagine that your browser is set to an English locale and you then create a business space. If you switch the locale to French, the name of the business space is still in English, but you can rename it with a French name. After you do so, users who have their browsers set to the French locale see the French name, while English users continue to see the English name. By switching to other locales you can incrementally add translated space title and descriptions for other locales as well.
  3. Select how you want to create the space:
    • Create a blank space, which creates an empty space.
    • Create a new space using a template, which creates a space that contains the pages and widgets that the template defines. Each template supports one or more scenarios by providing the widgets that you need for the scenarios and organizing the widgets on the pages.
    • Duplicate an existing space, which creates a space that contains the same pages and widgets as an existing space.
  4. Select a style to set the look for the pages in the new business space and select an icon to represent the space. The space automatically has the default style and icon applied. You can select a different style only when you are editing a page and you can select a different icon only when editing the space settings.
  5. Click Save. The Create Space window closes.
  6. If you chose to create a blank space, create a page for that space using the Create Page window:
    1. Type the page name and description into the appropriate fields. The name cannot contain the following characters: @ / \ : * ? " < > |
    2. Select the type of page that you want to create.
    3. Click OK.


The space opens to the first page and you can view its contents.
Tip: If you are creating a space based on a template or by duplicating an existing space, there might be translations for its pages and widgets contained within the template or original space. To override a translation (or a default value inherited from another language if there is no translation ), set your browser to a locale and then rename the page or widget. If you create an empty space, the names and descriptions that you provide for its pages and widgets serve as default values for all languages. You can replace the default values in the same way as you would replace existing translations.

What to do next

Customize the space by adding pages, changing who owns the space, setting who can see the space, and changing the appearance of the space.